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Service category: Automobile


Expat Auto was founded in 2009 by two guys with a passion to help the community in Chiang Mai to navigate through the car buying and ownership process. We aim to make it easy and bring you peace of mind! We all know that many used car dealers around the world have given the car business a bad name. Some of this comes out of straight up dishonesty, but some of it also comes out of neglect on the part of the seller to fully check what they are selling. Cars have a lot of parts and it takes some expertise to know what you are looking at. We at Expat Auto feel that the reputation of the used car business is unfortunate yet avoidable.

We have various products and services from our Expat Auto Certified cars, to car repair and maintenance services, car insurance, accessories (window film, carpet protection, etc), car rentals, and more! We can also help you sell your car when the time comes. We look forward to serving you!

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Contact person: Expat Auto Co., Ltd.
+6653241722 [email protected]
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