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Institute for Global Opportunities

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Service category: Education


Christ’s Great Commission is to teach all nations, baptize the believers, and then teach them to observe all things that Jesus had taught. The vision for Institute for Global Opportunities’ (IGo) is to bring those who desire to be involved in the Great Commission in contact with those who have had little or no opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Our goal is to bring learning and ministry together. As Christians learn, they are able to take their learning into the highways and byways of a fallen world. They are then less likely to acquire only head knowledge that has little relevance to their calling.

The Institute for Global Opportunities’ four-fold vision:

• We provide a passageway for conservative Anabaptist people from the West to become involved in missions. Whether God calls the individual to minister in Asia or elsewhere, this training will give him/her a life-impacting vision for people groups all over the world. Bible, mission, and doctrine classes will interface and alternate with field experience in each term of the Institute.

• Our faculty travels to Asian churches and conferences, to instruct local leaders and students in the doctrine of Scripture as held and practiced by Anabaptism.

• We engage in planting Anabaptist churches among Thai people groups.

• We are hosting Asian students and missionaries traveling to the IGo campus to study for specific periods of time as their churches become familiar with the Institute. This aspect of the ministry has sprung from the involvement of Western students in ministry trips and from IGo teachers' interaction with Asian churches.

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Contact person: Jirayu
+6653943751 [email protected]
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