IDI Thai massage school and service

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Service category: Healthcare


“Pattana Panyatai School” was established in 2004 to provide courses in traditional Thai medicine in the field of medicine, pharmacy, midwifery and open Thai traditional massage for treatment. Along with the use of traditional herbal medicine Including giving advice on how to take care of yourself

"Panya Thai School" has been involved in the curriculum setting. Provide teaching and learning to provide knowledge and practice for those interested in Thai traditional medicine. In the service part We have healed the sick. (Not caused by infection) such as diabetes, pressure, liver disease, kidney, heart, etc., especially pain, fatigue, muscle / tendon / joint problems, hand, foot, numbness, paralysis, paralysis, etc. The treatment has improved a lot and has healed.

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Contact person: Som Chai
053200300 [email protected]
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