Playground Fitness Chiangmai

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Service category: Sports & Fitness


We have a dream to see everyone go back in time to be healthy and in great shape like when they were young.

We'd like to see our best friends from high school kicking football together, but now they're pregnant. Go back to run for ten kilometers as before ..

We want to see my sister who was a college star. But after having two children, I didn't have time for myself to be worn out. Has returned to the original beauty

We want to see a mother who has a back ache, a sore waist, has returned to walk fluently. Dance like a young lady again

We believe that everyone has something they want to do. There are activities that we enjoy, but sometimes our body is not ready to do it.

Maybe because we are so busy working until we don't have time to take care of ourselves, we have to raise children, we are injured, we get older. Or we just don't know how to start

We believe that in this age Everyone knows it. How good exercise is And how to help them, but many times, doing it is not as easy as you think ..

When you decide to switch yourself to the gym, you find out why there are all sorts of weird-looking equipment. Is this an exercise machine or a physical torture device? Classes that are offered are intense. Playing, must carry an inhaler When going in, it feels like aunt comes after the grandchildren back home. Like it's not our place

If you feel like this We have felt the same. And this is also the starting point for us to open the playground.

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Contact person: Kamnan
0910739379 [email protected]
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